

Just like his teammate Killinallday, Jeffrey “Tarei” Liu has also been playing Hearthstone since Beta. Adopting the game early clearly benefitted him, as he made the Top 8 of the very first Hearthstone World Championship at BlizzCon in 2014. After Worlds, he continued to study the game and improve his play, with hopes of making it back to the big stage. In fact, Tarei was only one match away from making it back to the Hearthstone World Championship in both 2016 and 2017, but unfortunately fell short each time.

Tarei didn’t let the near-misses break his stride. He continued to compete at a high level, and his persistence ultimately paid off. In July 2018, Tarei won his first major championship; taking down HCT Oakland at Esports Arena.

Outside of Hearthstone, Tarei enjoys basketball, anime, and other esports like Starcraft 2 and DOTA 2.
